The idea of “Good Trips” is based not on “helping” a developing country but on obtaining mutual benefits. We find ourselves richer at heart by images we collect and by experiences with the people we meet in each place we visit.

The idea of “Good Trips” is based not on “helping” a developing country but on obtaining mutual benefits. We find ourselves richer at heart by images we collect and by experiences with the people we meet in each place we visit. And what gives us more happiness is to see people on our way to gain from us too.
Whether it is a developing or an already developed country is of no importance at all. Help is needed everywhere. Even a talk with someone, sharing our food, coming closer to nature, taking part in a project of either an individual effort or a community program, to teach something that we already know, to learn something that we didn’t know …it’s all about sharing.
“Good trips” is our proposal for those of you who wish to get deeper into life. We have created social programs that give you the opportunity to meet local people and feel the hospitality of everyday life. You can even spend a night in a local house, taste home-made African food and hear real stories of African life.
You can also come in contact with another way of living. Visit a tribe and experience a totally different culture and aspect of life.
Take part on a volunteer project. There are several projects that are being organized in Tanzania and Kenya. We prefer to work with local organizations informing us each time what needs there are around. You can also check our list so to take ideas and choose the one that gives you more pleasure to take part and suits better your skills or character.
Come to take a local lesson. You can learn Kiswahilli, how to cook African recipes, even gain insight from cultural tours about nature, animals, spices etc… if you are in the mood for learning, just check our local lesson list on your right.
Do you like arts? Do join us at a festival to hear authentic music and dance with your heart, watch African movies, meet with artists…. We are sure that you will have a great time.